Reasons Why a Bichon Frise is Considered the Right Dog Breed

Bichon Frise is a small dog that has a loosely curled tick coat. Bichon Frise is a specifically manned companion, and they are affectionate. The bichon frise is preferred as a pet by many individuals since they are charming breeds, and they make the best family pet. If you love pets and especially dogs, then the bichon frise will be the right dog breed for you. A bichon frise is also a natural entertainer; hence you won’t get bored with them around. Therefore this article will outline reasons why the bichon frise is the right dog breed for you.

First, the bichon frise does not shed much. The best thing about the bichon frise is it has minimal shedding of the coat. By acquiring a bichon frise, you will not have to deal with the dog fur on all the areas of your house and compound. The minimal shedding of the bichon frise makes it compared to other dog breeds. If you do not like seeing traces of fur everywhere when you have a pet, then the bichon frise will be the right addition since they have minimal shedding of the fur.

Another thing you should know, bichon frise, makes the best watchdogs. Acquiring a bichon frise means it will alert you when neighbors are coming to your house. The bichon frise may also alert you when the mail or newspaper is being dropped in your compound. The bichon frise tends to be more alert and can make an excellent watchdog. Do not let the size of the bichon frise fool as they are considered as the best watchdogs. All you have is to train the bichon frise to avoid necessary baking. Through training the bichon frise when to bark and when to be quiet you will end up having the best watchdog ever.

In addition, bichon frise is intelligent. By getting a bichon frise you will not encounter a hard time training them. You can be assured that the bichon frise will grasp any trick you teach them. Unlike other dog breeds, you have to keep on training them the bichon frise will master a trick easily. The bichon frise is normally intelligent in nature and will understand any skill you teach them. A bichon frise will also be well mannered and follow the training and tricks you teach them. you have to keep your training short and fun and give the bichon frise rewards or treats to motivate them. If you want an intelligent dog, then the bichon frise will fit the bill.

Finally, the bichon frise is often active. Whereas some dog breeds are considered to be lazy a bichon frise, on the other hand, is a very active dog breed. A bichon frise is full of energy and will keep on running in your yard and compound until they get tired. If you want a dog breed that you can play and run with around, then the bichon frise is the right dog breed for you.

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